這個Meetup的主題全名是 Bringing Big Data to Life: Adding the Behavioral Perspective. It's delivered by a web psychologist, Dr. Liraz Marglit. I was deeply fasinated by her talk as she also shared some points on why we cannot rely only on data without any touch in human being, so I thought it might be something good to write down and to hear more peoples' thoughts.
The background is about online shopping or e-commerce, which is really a thing all over the world including UK (or China). Here are some notes I took from her talk.
In order to get users to buy more, we want to understand user, or to "Personalization" our website. Now there are 2 way we use data to do that:
1. item-to-item approach, trying to find the similarity between items.
2. user-to-user approach, trying to find the similarity between users.
But 80% of our online purchasing is driven by unconscious process, and our decision making process is actually effected by many elements. It's difficult to predict the future (of user's behavior) by only data, which by definition is the things that happend in the past.
基本上講者分出了三個元素來講behavior的構成: Mindset, Personality and Context.
System 1: Automatic, heuristic, quick, emotional
System 2: Pragmatic, rational, slow, logical
手機變焦真不給力 ==
這個例子是說,網頁A有兩個入口:一個direct一個indirect。而從數據上看到從兩種不同入口進入的使用者,表現的行為模式也不同。Direct進來的,在頁面上進行點擊的次數比較少,停留的時間也比較短; indirect 進來的點擊的次數多,停留的時間也長。那麼大概可以推測出indirect進來的使用者是browser,行為模式受到 emorional system 1驅使; direct進來的使用者是goal-oriented,行為模式受到logical system 2驅使。怎麼驗證system 1 or system 2? Thanks to the advace of techonolgy, EEG.
Then do you think the page that attract to the logical brain would (or should) be the same as the page that attract to the emotional brain? I don't think so ;)
It's not really the "personality", since it's something that might varies online and offline: a shy person may be very talktive online. Here we are looking at something more stable: trait.
Speaker divided online shopping users into 2 groups:
1. Maximizer: 一定要找到最好的
2. Satisfier: 還可以就好
這個我個人有類似的經驗,我偏向maximizer,買東西的時候我會想要看完所有的選項,挑最好的做決定。所以今天當我發現網頁有捲不完的選項時我就會崩潰然後就不買了改天再說; 但我有朋友就是可以直接了斷,第一頁看到覺得不錯的就買下去了==
Context: Where decision are made
講者將商品分成了兩種: Nice to have product v.s. Functional product
白話一點就是一種是小廢物,例如鞋櫃裡第一雙鞋之外的鞋子們(艸); Fuctional product就是像洗衣機衛生紙之類的,買了是為了功能,不是為了爽。
因此一個可以說是emotion driven另一個是logic driven。
這是個有趣的testing: 賣衣服的page, 一個只顯示顏色和尺寸的資訊,另一個顯示其他更多bla bla bla的資訊。結果只顯示顏色和尺寸的頁面,被放入購物車的機率比顯示更多詳細資訊的頁面要來得高。
衣服被歸類在nice to have product, which means we buy it because of emotioanl factor. When we display too much information on the page, it triggers our logical system 2, which involved a slower and higher congnitive process, and delayed our decision making.
數據顯示,英國online shopping白天的成交量以男性為大宗,尤其是上午。
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